Friday, December 24, 2010

End of 2010

to all of you:

Enjoy the holidays and see you back in Dublin early in 2011.

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Coming matches

UCD men have a match this Sunday in St.Columbas against Dublin International, its quite early with the match starting at 9.30 so we will be meeting in UCD at about 8.20, I will organise transport for us so I need to know who is playing, it will be a tough match so we really need all players available.

On December 11th there is a beginners league tournament for both men and women on in Cork and after winning the first event ehich was on last Saturday we need a team to go to Cork, everyone is invited to this! the best form of transport to Cork is by bus which is quite cheap and if you book train tickets online they are sometimes very cheap and much faster. The Cork team brought up a lot of players last weekend so we should try to do the same, many of us have exams that day but for those who don't, please try to make the effort, let me know.

Alex will be back coaching us on Friday so thank god for that :D

Friday, November 19, 2010

Senior League 10-11, Div 1

The Senior Leagues 2010/2011 fianlly start.
There will be 4 men's and 3 women's teams battling for the title of Irish champion.
Astra, Lughnasa, UCD have teams in both competition. Dublin International will defend its title of top Irish team in the men's competition only.
Check the calendar on the right sidebar for full schedule.
Here this weekend matches. UCD sport hall, Belfield Dublin 4.
UCD – Lughnasa, Men, 12.30pm
Dub Int - Astra , Men, 2.00pm
UCD – Lughnasa, Ladies, 3.30pm

Friday, October 29, 2010

Corn Chrothrom na Féinne

First match and first Trophy of the season.
On Sunday 31st of October UCD OHC and ASTRA HC will challenge each other for the Corn Chrothrom Féinne.
Matches are at 1.30 pm men ; 3.30 pm Ladies. UCD Sport Centre
This is the first edition of a trophy born to celebrate the unique link and friendship between the two Clubs.
Probably not many knows that ASTRA HANDBALL CLUB is a "spin off" of UCD Olympic Handball Club. In fact you can find the name ASTRA naming various location on Campus.
Astra means "star" in latin.
The name of this trophy is also taken from UCD history. Corn Chrothrom Féinne, for all those that do not speak Irish, it means Fair Play Cup.
The Old UCD logo can explain many things!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Training Stop and go...

There will be no training on Friday 17th and for the entire next week.
Hall B in the sport centre will be used for the sport expo. It is a good chance to get in touch with the club. Senior players will be available at the Olympic Handball Stand with any informations you need.

Training will resume Monday 27th at 5pm!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

New Training times for UCD

From September 13th the new trainig times will be:
Monday 5-6, HallB+area7
Friday 5-6.30, HallB

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Reminders and Summer Handball

A couple of reminders:

  • Sunday May 16th in UCD at 3pm there will be a friendly match with a mixed men and ladies team from Sligo.
  • Little tournament on Saturday June 5th , again in UCD. Unfortunately only the men team will come over from Spain, as the ladies did well in their league and they are up in some final.
  • The traditional Summer Handball starts again! Starting with Thursday the 13th of May, Handball Open Sessions will take place every thursday in UCD from 8 till 10pm, everybody is welcome to join!!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Next dates April 25th-May 9th,16th-June 5th

Sunday 25th of April in UCD there will be matches for ladies and men.
This are semifinal: who wins goes to the legue final.

Sunday 9th of May in UCD. Finals for both ladies and men.

Mark the above dates on your calendar and confirm to me you can make it.

Sunday May 16th in UCD there will be friendly matches with teams from Sligo. Again both Ladies and men.

Finally a little tournament on Saturday June 5th , again in UCD. Two Spanish team are coming over (ladies and men).

Please leave a note confirming your presence

Monday, March 29, 2010

Astra Handball Club - COACHING FORUM, May 23rd

Astra Handball Club is Organising a Coaching Forum on Sunday the 23rd of May in the UCD Sport Centre, from 2pm till 5 pm.

This Forum is open to everybody involved or wishing to be involved in coaching.

FORUM means a place where people meets and talks (FORUM is the Latin word for square). A chance to give everybody the possibility to express their feelings, ideas, extern problems, and put forward suggestions

There will be discussions on the general status of technical and tactical development of players and coaches in Ireland, and try to come up with a suggestion on where the focus and energy should be put for the next year and in the medium term.

A Forum as said before, not coaching course. An event where we all talk. The intent is to give as much support as possible to young coaches so they feel more supported, confident and focused.

People can Register by filling the form at the link below by May 7th.

The form has a comments section where to leave a note about any topic people would like to discuss.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sunday 28th Matches

We will be playing two matches this weekend in UCD
1.30pm SM Astra-UCD and Kevin farewell
3.15pm SF Terenure-UCD

These are starting-time, so be there 50 min in advance, specially the boys as we have to set up the hall.

Next time UCD hall will be available will be April 25th and May 2nd (bankholiday weekend)
keep yourself available for those days.

Monday, March 08, 2010

Next match March 21st

UCD hall is available for our home matches on March 21st from 1pm till 5pm.
We have a number of matches to reschedule for that weekend. Don't know who yet, but two matches will be played there, one ladies and one men's match.
Leave a comment either in the comment link (click on "comments" on this post) or in the box on the right sidebar.

On a social level. After Tara it is Jorge turn to celebrate his birthday with a party at his place this Saturday 13th. ask him for details.
Happy Birthday!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

March 7th Matches

Three matches are scheduled for next weekend Sun 7th Mar, 2010,
UCD hall B, Belfield D4
SM UCD-Dub Int 10:45am
SM Astra-DCU 1:00pm
SF UCD - Meath 3:00pm

leave a note in comment or in the CHAT BOX IN THE RIGHT if you can make it.

Monday, February 22, 2010

February 28th Matches

Two matches are scheduled for next weekend
Sun 28th Feb, 2010, in UCD hall B, Belfield d4
SM UCD-Dublin International 12:30pm
SF UCD-Terenure 3.00pm

leave a note if you can play...or can't, so we all know!!